Nottingham Festival of Words: February 16th–17th
The Nottingham
Festival of Words will take place for the first time in the City next year. It
will be a great celebratory event bringing together diverse forms of
word-related cultures, and will include all forms of literature, spoken word, theatre/film, and
anything else connected with words. Nottingham Festival of Words is looking for
event and activity proposals that will enable and encourage the public to
engage with literary culture in all its forms. If you are an individual, group
or organisation working with words we would love to work with you, so tell us
about your event ideas.
Publicity will
be created for the Festival as a whole, incorporating information about all of
the events. A central venue will act as a hub, with a book market and a
selection of spaces for events, while other venues throughout the city will
also host events.
This will be a
large, well-organised festival, bringing new audiences to the city and your events.
We anticipate high media coverage. We are already working in partnership with
Nottingham Writers’ Studio, Nottingham City Council, Nottingham Trent
University and Writing East Midlands.
A dedicated
team from these organisations will manage the Festival, deciding on the
programme, producing publicity, liaising with the central venue and
facilitating events – for example by providing a Festival Box Office and
helping organisers to find venues for their events. Individuals, groups and
organisations are invited to propose events for inclusion within the programme.
The Festival
will take place on the weekend of 16th and 17th February
2013, and on Nottingham City’s Light Night – Friday 15th February.
It may also include events during the fortnight around this weekend. Note that
the following week is school half-term.
The Festival
will be themed around ‘Lace and Love’ in 2013. There is a city-wide ‘Lace
Season’ taking place in the months leading up to and culminating with Light
Night, and you’ll note that the dates are very close to St Valentine’s Day.
Your event need not be directly related to the themes, but we hope that most
events will have at least some connection.
We understand
that you may not be able to provide full details of your proposed event, but
please provide as much information as you can, even if it is vague or not
This information will
be used in programming the Festival. Submitting a proposal does not commit you
to staging the event, and it does not commit the Festival to including the
Return a separate copy of this
document for each event you would like to propose by email to or by
post to Nottingham Festival of Words, Nottingham Writers’ Studio, Broadway
Business Centre, 32a Stoney Street, Nottingham NG1 1LL by 30 June 2012.
If you have any enquiries, please
call Nottingham Writers’ Studio on 0115 959 7947